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Bali - barong et gender wayang
1 record issued 1974
Recorded in February 1972
in Batubulan / Pinda-Blahbatu
Musique du monde n° 10
Enregistrements (1972), texte et photos de Jacques Brunet

Track name Recording locationDate 
 orchestra groupLength 

 Side A
1 - Barong of Batubulan (11 melodies) Batubulan 28/02/1972
 Gong bebarongan Batubulan Gong bebarongan Batubulan 23'28

 Side B
2 - Pemungkah - 4 parts Pinda-Blahbatu 2/1972
 Gender wayang Pinda-Blahbatu Gender Wayangan Pinda-Blahbatu 13'48
3 - Mesem Pinda-Blahbatu 2/1972
 Gender wayang Pinda-Blahbatu Gender Wayangan Pinda-Blahbatu 02'02
4 - Panguran - Ngere Pinda-Blahbatu 2/1972
 Gender wayang Pinda-Blahbatu Gender Wayangan Pinda-Blahbatu 08'41

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