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Balinese Theatre and Dance Music - Theatre and Dance Music
1 record issued 1973
Recorded from 4 to 12 August 1970
in Denpasar / Kedisan / Sanur
PHILIPS 6586 013 - stereo
Recording, text and photographs by Jacques Brunet (August, 1970)

Track name Recording locationDate 
 orchestra groupLength 

 Side A
1 - Gambuh Kedisan 12/08/1970
 Gambuh Kedisan Gambuh Kedisan 19'00
2 - Wayang Lemah music Denpasar (RRI) 05/08/1970
 Gender wayang Buduk Gender Wayangan Buduk 07'43

 Side B
3 - Arja Denpasar (RRI) 04/08/1970
 Arja RRI Denpasar RRI Denpasar 09'34
4 - Janger Teges-Peliatan 11/08/1970
 Janger Teges-Peliatan Janger Teges-Peliatan 08'58
5 - Joged Bumbung Denpasar (RRI) 04/08/1970
 Joged Bumbung Puseh Kangin Joged Bumbung Puseh Kangin 07'41

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